





 Vengeance Most Fowl.

What could possibly go wrong. The latest brilliant addition to the adventures the endlessly inventive Wallace and his faithful sometimes hard put upon companion Gromit. For twenty five years Nick Park and Aardman animation has released a stream of flawless animation adventures starring this intrepid duo. With Wallace forever coming up with ingenious inventions to save the world, (and his neighborhood) with mind boggling complex labor saving devices. All in the aid of keeping their needs (Mostly cheese, toast, marmalade and tea) in good supply.
In all the stories there is always a villain with nefarious intentions set on disrupting Wallaces good works. When things invariably go awry it always falls to Gromit to come to the rescue, with madcap chase scenes, hair raising stunts, (including rescuing maidens in need be) that only animation can convincingly provide. As well as catching the villains and setting Wallaces world to rights. In this latest adventure involving a stolen blue diamond, the perp a chicken named Feathers McGraw a squadron of reprogrammed evil gardening robot gnomes. A retiring  police chief more intent on his farewell speech and his junior lieutenant (who turns out to be right all along). The thing about Park, Aardman and their creations is the unrelenting good nature of their storytelling right down to the fate of the baddies. Nothing really bad happens for all the hair-raising adventures that are set in motion.The endings are always happy. Not a bad legacy to leave with everyone who sees these wonderful films.
690 stars

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